High on Life: How to Defeat 9-Torg (Boss Fight)

This guide will show players how to defeat 9-Torg in High on Life.

The mother of the Torg family, known as 9-Torg, is one of the first bosses that players in High on Life will run into. Given that this is the first fight you’ll encounter, the alien and its numerous clones can be challenging to defeat. Until the player goes to find all of the High on Life weapons, this boss will block their path. It will be difficult for the player to complete the first mission because they are just beginning their career as a bounty hunter. In order to overcome 9-Torg in High on Life, this tutorial will show players how to do so. Players can also purchase sufficient High on Life Accounts in the game.

How to beat 9-Torg in High on Life

Round 1: 9-Torg’s shooting attack

As she advances swiftly left or right, 9-Torg launches a firing attack to start the fight. The player can avoid her wide-area blaster rounds at first by moving around a lot and hiding behind the level’s boxes. She then explodes. She also provides a high-impact, green single with a ball shape that goes slowly and is simple to evade if players maintain their distance rather than attempting to attack with the Knifey.

It’s imperative to use Kenny as frequently as possible by aiming at the 9-Torg’s head. The glob-shot assault can also be used to knock her down so that the player can fast swing with the Knifey or attempt a mid-air juggle.

Round Two: How to Dodge 9-Torg’s Lasers

The 9-Torg will dive under the surrounding ooze after a blaster shot before unexpectedly popping out and stunning the player with a barrage of single horizontal and sporadically vertical green laser blasts.

Jumping over the laser will prevent any health loss, however trying to evade the laser will result in substantial damage. The likelihood of dying from devitrification increases significantly if you are hit by a laser. After the jump, keep firing here to keep depleting her health; be careful around any shattered floor tiles.

Round 3: How to Tether to Slime

Players must press the LB button on their Xbox controller in order to use the Knifey’s restraining ability to hold back the flying insects above before the 9-Torg’s final move, letting the lethal ooze rise, is made. Throughout the course, players must harness and swing from one bug to another until the slime levels return to normal, letting them to safely descend to the platform below.

The 9-Torg’s system

We won’t have many options as you currently only have Kenny and Knifey. However, Glob Shot juggling is an efficient technique to do a ton of damage to her if you get the hang of it.

When a Glob Shot explosion knocks her down, try to approach her for a good stab from Knifey.

You can try to hit her with a ball to knock her down or play with her in the air if she’s high up and being attacked by a laser beam.

You’ll receive the accomplishment First Bounty Down following the fight. After that, you’ll get the chance to take on a mystery boss. The detailed instructions for defeating 9-Torg in High on Life are provided above. Visit Topgmnews.com for more High on Life guides.

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