Best MCPR-300 Loadouts In Modern Warfare 2

This guide aims to introduce players to the best MCPR-300 loadouts in Modern Warfare 2.

One of the first sniper rifles made available to players was the MCPR-300 in Modern Warfare 2. Snipers engage in deadly combat on the tactical side of the map while utilizing teamwork and skills to avoid detection. Kill your foe. When warriors need rapid long-range firing in Modern Warfare 2, the MCPR-300 is one of the finest possibilities for a “fast sniper.” Sniper rifles are frequently hefty to handle but produce superb firepower. The greatest MCPR-300 loadouts in Modern Warfare 2 will be covered in this guide, and players can also prepare enough Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Points for the game.

Best MCPR-300 Modern Warfare 2 Mount

Barrel: 19″ Silentfire barrel

Laser: Corio Laz-44 V3

Ammo: .300 Mag High Speed

Magazine: 5 rounds magazine

Rear Grip: Cronen Cheetah Grip

When connected, the 19-inch Silentfire Barrel not only accelerates bullets but also functions as a suppressor. The MCPR-300 can use the accessory slot that would have been taken up by a muzzle for more complex equipment.

Although adversaries can see lasers, thanks to the increased ADS speed, they will be killed before they know what is occurring.

Adopting.300Mag High Velocity ammo further increases the bullet velocity of the MCPR-300, and while it slightly reduces the damage range, the increased bullet velocity makes long-range kills more accessible.

The 5 round magazine is a must as it reduces the overall weight of the sniper rifle. Less weight means better movement speed, faster ADS speed, faster sprint fire, and drastically reduced reload times. The only downside to the 5-round magazine is the reduced ammo capacity of the magazine, but 5 rounds is more than enough to get the job you started.

Finally, the Cronen Cheetah Grip rounds out the loadout by further increasing ADS speed and sprint fire rate, while slightly improving recoil control. Being a bolt-action rifle, recoil control is not something players have to worry about, as there is a gap between each shot that allows the player to re-center the reticle.

How to Unlock the MCPR-300 in Modern Warfare 2

Unlocking the MCPR-300 is easy, much like with many other weapons in Modern Warfare 2’s arsenal. As soon as you begin playing, you’ll have access to the sniper because it is instantly unlocked. No matter what the in-game stat bar indicates, the MCPR-300 handles superbly. Without making too many changes to its attachment configuration, it is a very capable fast aim sniper rifle, but with a few adjustments, the weapon might be made much stronger and more potent as a long-range choice.

The MCPR-300 loadouts shown above are the best for Modern Warfare 2. For more information on weapon loadouts, gamers can subscribe to